Wyre Council's Council Plan approved
16th of December, 2024Wyre Council's ambitious refreshed Council Plan approved at Full Council
Last week (Thursday 28 November 2024) Wyre councillors approved the council’s refreshed Council Plan 2025-2028 at their meeting of Full Council. The Plan builds upon the existing Council Plan, continuing the focus and commitment to four clear priorities:
- People and Communities – Residents live happier, healthier and safer lives
- Growth and prosperity - A thriving local economy and town centres
- Place and climate - A cleaner, greener and more sustainable place
- Innovative and customer focused - A well run, forward-thinking council that puts customers first
Over the last year, Wyre Council have already made substantial progress towards the Council Plan vision to make Wyre ‘a place where everyone can prosper’ and delivering on the four priorities.
Helping in the bid to support people to live happier, healthier and safer lives, the council launched its Wyre Moving More strategy with partners in Summer, opened an innovative Active Wellness Suite at Thornton, established a much-needed befriending service across Wyre and Fylde linked to Blackpool Victoria Hospital and Blackpool Volunteer Centre and distributed a staggering £2.65m plus in Household Support Funding to vulnerable residents.
UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) from government has been carefully used across a range of diverse projects and events to boost the local economy and animate our town centres. Cleveleys Town Centre Group delivered two events across the town centre and Jubilee Gardens; Fleetwood Moves Festival and Tram Sunday attracted over 53,000 visitors to Fleetwood and the Council’s first family festival “Wanderland” increased Poulton’s visitor numbers by 1,182 as well as providing an amazing day out for local families. As well as funding the inclusive Active Wellness suite, other UKSPF projects included a heritage Blue Plaque Trail in Fleetwood, the launch of an upgraded town centre CCTV system and the redevelopment of Claughton Memorial Village Hall. Garstang Community Sports Club also celebrated the start of works to their building. The recent Wyre Business Awards received more than 100 applications from local businesses right across Wyre and the glittering Awards Night at Marine Hall, entirely funded by Sponsors and ticket sales, showcased the real diversity and quality of the many businesses, both large and small across the borough.
Ever striving to be forward-thinking, the Council launched a comprehensive Climate Change strategy, demonstrating its commitment to tackling climate change head on. As part of this, earlier in the year council vehicles moved over to hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) power, as a much cleaner alternative to diesel and environmental improvements to footpaths, the beach and coastal areas to improve safety and bio-diversity are also in train. Against the backdrop of the recent In Bloom awards, the council was also thrilled to receive five Green Flag awards, the highest accolade for its parks and credits the team and local volunteers for keeping these beautiful greenspaces to such a high standard for people to enjoy.
A very successful LGA Corporate Peer Challenge saw independent reviewers acknowledge the council’s strong financial stewardship and track record of delivering good value for money services that meet the needs of local communities.
Councillor Michael Vincent, Leader of the Council, welcomed the refreshed Council Plan, saying:
“We have made tremendous strides in our work to deliver the Council Plan, and I would like to applaud all the staff and our wonderful volunteers, who have worked tirelessly to deliver the many projects that will benefit our residents, businesses, partners and visitors.
“This refreshed Council Plan refresh builds upon this firm foundation by bringing in new projects including greater access to financial support for older and other vulnerable residents, exploring new ways to support businesses, making better use of Marine Hall, progressing our masterplan work around Fleetwood Waterfront and Cottam Hall Pavilion and extending our partnership work across the borough to reduce alcohol harm.
“It is an ambitious plan, but an achievable one. Ultimately, we want everyone in Wyre to have access to jobs and share the benefits of economic growth; live in thriving, safe, more environmentally sustainable and welcoming communities; and be healthier and independent for longer and this refreshed Council Plan will go a long way to achieving this.”
You can see the refreshed Council Plan on the Wyre Council website.